Non-Profit Development

It is sometimes said, that the non-profit world is a failed market sector.  What does that mean?  It means that “smart” people haven’t figured out how make money off of sheltering the homeless, feeding the poor, rescuing the environment or whatever work you’re engaged in. If they could, they would.  But they haven’t figured out a way to turn a profit, so they turned their backs.  But not you!  You are one of the incredibly smart, creative, compassionate people who has chosen this work and are finding solutions.  O’Grady Solutions has enormous respect for you and the work you do.  Our commitment to you, is to help you and your organization grow, develop and fulfill your mission.

Mission/Strategic Planning

We believe a strong, forward thinking organization needs a clear, and compelling mission; a mission that speaks from your heart is focused enough to provide direction.  Your strategic plan is the GPS that brings you to your mission. O’Grady Solutions doesn’t create strategic plans to “sit on the shelf.” We fundamentally believe that an agency without a strategic plan will lose focus, direction, and stray from its mission.  We are dedicated to bringing you and your stakeholders together to create a common vision for your future and a strategic plan that is mission driven, exciting, actionable, and executable.   You will be able to open your Strategic Plan at anytime and check your progress against strategy development, tactical implementation and outcome measures.


You’re out changing the world, making a difference in lives everyday. You committed to making your world a better place.  Then someone asks, how are you going to pay for that program?  Let’s face it, many of us shrivel when we hear “fundraising is part of your job.” Our palms get a little sweaty. Our heart beats a little faster. Suddenly, we realize it’s time to catch up with all of our back filing, and organize the office. We know how you feel; we’ve sat across from donors asking them to fund the next initiative, or up last year’s gift. We’ve helped donors understand that giving money isn’t about a tax write off, its about investing in the future; helping those who often can’t help themselves. It’s about matching passion with program in a way that benefits everyone. O’Grady Solutions wants to help make the whole process easier and less scary for you. We want to show you the incredible gift of raising money for something you love and believe in.  You’re not asking donors for money, you’re asking donors to join with you to make their world a better place.  We can guide you in this mission: We love to help you raise money.  Whether its major gift acquisition, annual campaigns, staff and board training and development; design a development strategy, O’Grady Solutions will be right beside you as your confidence and revenue grows.

Board Development

A strong board can lead a non-profit to growth, success, and the provision of strong client service. Board development work is some of the most important work any agency can undertake. A board that understands its role in governance, fund raising, strategic planning, policy development and ambassadorship will offer an unlimited source of support for an Executive Director/CEO. A strong partnership between the board and the Executive Director is vital to the health of the agency. The most well intentioned board, without these skills, can unwittingly stop the forward movement of any non-profit.

A strong ED/CEO must know how to develop a board and partner with them. Board development is some of the most important work an ED can do. O’Grady Solutions will work with individual agency leaders, or with boards to help them develop the skills they need to work most effectively to support their agency.

Social Enterprise

When non-profit executive are told “you run your agency like a business,” it is rarely intended as a compliment. Most people, including many non-profit professionals, think quite the opposite of non-profits: You shouldn’t care about the money, you should only care about helping your clients. The truth is, we can’t do one without the other. Salaries, benefits and utility bills can’t be paid with hugs. If you don’t bring in enough revenue to meet your budget demands, you’ll end up closing the doors. There are more non-traditional ways to attract revenue. Social enterprise: engaging in for-profit activity to support no-profit work can bring in large amounts of additional revenue. O’Grady Solutions can help you identify market solutions to grow your non-profits.